Staying Out For The Summer

We recently produced this promotional brand film for O’Neill. Taking in the last day of summer, four boys go out on the water in search of adventure. Produced by Creative Bone and directed by Alessandra Scherillo.



Automated Exhibitionists

We were once again asked to produce exhibition artwork for Endoline Automation for PPMA 2019. This year they would be unveiling a new sister company (Endoline Robotics) and so it was decided that we would produce a yin/yang style piece for both brands, showing contrasting colour schemes but with a common thread. With both stands opposite one and other, the effect was very well received and once again a very happy client.



Robotics On Show

PPMA 2019 was a grand unveiling for new brand Endoline Robotics. Not only had we produced the exhibition artwork but also we had been intrinsic in helping create a brand identity that stood strongly on its own but also had a unity with its sister company Endoline Automation.