Welcome to the world of Monster…..

Monster is the story of a young boy called Eric who is the only human being living in a world full of monsters. In this world populated with a magical selection of creatures and beasts, Eric looks so different from everybody else that he is called the Monster.

Through the first book we discover what it was like for Eric growing up being very different from his peers, but with the love of his family there is nothing he cannot get through.

Monster takes inspiration from Dennis the Menace, Horrid Henry and Fungus The Bogeyman and is aimed at children aged 7 years and above.

With further adventures of Monster already in production you can rest assured that Eric will see his fair share of mischief , you will be introduced to some of his wonderful friends and family and you can rest assured that trouble will always be around the corner.

Welcome to the world of Monster.

Where it all began….

Monster was conceived back in 2013 and was inspired by both authors living with family members on the autistic spectrum or having ADHD. Having experienced first-hand how these conditions had impacted their family members, a story was born about fitting in whilst not being classed as ‘normal’, but with the love of good family and friend’s, there is no battle to hard to fight.

Now in 2022 we are ready to release the first story of ‘Monster’, but not forgetting where the true roots of the story came from, we felt it was important to give back.

Initially we were looking for an autistic children’s charity to partner with until we were reminded of a quote by the late, great Mrs Elizabeth Charlesworth. She said “Children just do not grow out of autism” and hence we decided that we would donate 10% of every sale of  ‘Monster’ to the National Autistic Society, who supply a plethora of support to all that are affected by autism.

Once upon a time….

Monster tells the story of a young boy called Eric who is a one of a kind, human being, born into a world of Monsters. To those around him, including his family at times, his physical appearance repulses and scares them. Never has a character that frequents this world, seen such a hideous creature as a human boy.

The first book tells the story of Eric’s birth and the difficulties both he and has parents faced whilst trying to fit into the world around them.