Entries by Jamie Hammond

Pimp My Stormtrooper

Each year we decide to tackle a new personal project, one that takes us away from the humdrum life of making films, music and toys and do something that is a million miles away from the day to day. ㋡ Like previous projects such as: Back to The Future Hoverboard : https://www.creativebone.co.uk/christmas-back-to-the-future-hoverboard-prop-building/ Powell Peralta Skateboard: […]

Automated Exhibitionists

We were once again asked to produce exhibition artwork for Endoline Automation for PPMA 2019. This year they would be unveiling a new sister company (Endoline Robotics) and so it was decided that we would produce a yin/yang style piece for both brands, showing contrasting colour schemes but with a common thread. With both stands […]

Absolutely Fab-ulous

We had built Fabs Designs a very cool Flash based website over ten years ago. The business had grown considerably since then but changes in technology, the advent of more and more mobile surfing as well as browser stopping supporting flash, this meant that the site was well over due a make-over. The client wanted […]

Bang Up To Date!

With the announcement that Endoline were creating their sister company, Endoline Robotics, we were tasked with updating the Endoline website. The client wanted to maintain the structure of the original site but bring the new branding into play. Clean and stylish with a Yin/Yang feel to complement the darker grey tones of Endoline Robotics, we […]

Stronger Together…

Endoline wanted to produce a promo video that announced the arrival of Endoline Robotics, a new sister venture in partnership with Fanuc, a key provider of robotics systems. The ethos of the film was to show that strong partnerships can create exciting an new opportunities. We sprinkled in a bit of sci-fi magic and the […]

The robots are coming!!

Having a long-standing creative relationship with Endoline, we were tasked with bringing life to their brand-new business – Endoline Robotics. They wanted everything to scream Endoline but at the same time be something new and fresh. Keeping with the existing logo template we created various logo updates and colour palettes before settling on the chosen […]