Culinary creativeness….
Just finished up a nice little job for Bedford and Rushden based kitchen design, suppliers and installers Lifestyle Kitchens. A complete brand and website design was required with a clean and user updatable interface. WordPress formed the backbone and allowed us to add pages as the clients web needs required. Now past into their hands, they are able to update as their stock changes and when the time comes, a solid foundation is set for them to grow as a business.
Christmas Back to the Future hoverboard prop building….
Even though officially we worked right up until Christmas week, we do like nothing more than reliving our childhood through the medium of all things movie related. The last couple of weeks were taken over with some extra curricular reproduction prop building from one of our favourite movies – Back to the future. Although quite a small project, it wasn’t without its problems but in the end I think we created quite a sweet looking ‘Back to the future’ Mattel Hoverboard. The finished project now adorns one of the shelves at Creative Bone HQ. Take a look at the process pictures to see just how much work goes into making a hoverboard reproduction…. hopefully this one won’t blow up!!!!